Well, it's almost Christmas! So Merry, Merry Christmas boys and girls...I truly hope you have a wonderful holiday. There are so many choices for gifts this year and, while you're hopefully pretty close to be done with your shopping, you may have a few last-minute items left to get.
That's where I come in!
I thought I'd give you my vote for the Top 5 Best Gifts for 2010. You could actually think of them as the "Top 5 Best Gifts for Always" too! Without further delay, here are my recommendations, in no particular order:
The Slingbox is the coolest dang thing to come along in the past few years...I have one and I'm able to actually watch my TV at home from
anywhere. And in case that doesn't impress you, I mean ANYwhere...I watch my Comcast (or Tivo...or DirecTV...or old school rabbit ears) from my freakin' EVO phone! One of my best friends was getting married in the San Diego Botanical Gardens and I was there...watching the University of Arizona play football on my phone! It really was a
great wedding and made all that much more special because of my Slingbox.
If you don't think a Slingbox will please the lady of your life, or perhaps it's a little on the slummy side of gift-giving...how about a Diamond Bra? If you have a few million sitting around and you value lady-lumps,
this is the gift for you. There are a few different makes and models out there: the Million Dollar Miracle, the Millenium, and, the "heftiest of the chestiest" model of them all, the $15,000,000 Fantasy Bra and panties set. The choice is yours! Just enjoy your purchase and make sure to post updates and...*ahem*...pics if you go with my well-researched recommendation.
If you're like me and the Diamond Bra is a tad out of your budget, then how about the greatest of all great foods...the Toaster Strudel! Seriously, I don't know of one single person that would be pissed to get such an awesome gift in their stocking. There are countless varieties and sizes so there's a perfect option for everyone on your list. Kim likes apple whereas I'm a berry guy but, let's be honest...once you get that frosting on there, it doesn't matter. Perfect is perfect.

Hey, everyone LOVES music and CD's have historically been the quintessential gift for any and everyone. So here, if you're going for the greatest album of all time, you have your choice of my recommendations: there's Michael Jackson's "
Thriller" album...or Mason Douglas' "
My Wild Heart".
Go with whichever one you don't have and your gift-givee will be the happiest elf Santa's ever seen. Especially if you go with the Mason option...
And finally, one of the funnest items I've come across are antlers and a big ol' red nose for your car! Seriously, your isn't THAT pretty so why not decorate it up a bit! My Maxima (not pictured) is adorned with these items of awesomeness for the holidays and may continue to be throughout all of 2011. I'm not sure who we have to thank for these badboys but they are hilarious and cool.
So I hope this helps you out a bit. Happy shopping, my friends...click on over to your choice and put your order in! And let me know how it works out for you...especially if it's the bra.
~Mason Douglas